Category: Feature Articles

Feature Articles

Cultivating Thankfulness: 10 Ways to Be Grateful This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time-honored tradition for gathering with loved ones, savoring delicious food, and, most importantly, expressing gratitude. Amid the hustle and bustle of daily life, this holiday serves as a gentle reminder to pause, reflect, and appreciate the many blessings we have. In this article, we’ll explore ten meaningful ways to be grateful during Thanksgiving, enriching both your experience of the holiday and your overall well-being.

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Feature Articles

Trainer Testimonial – Rachele Allen

The job of a personal trainer requires one to evaluate client needs, plan personalized workout routines, and track performance goals over time. What differentiates a good from great trainer, however,

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Confidence: Finding New Strength in Women & Weights

[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_column_text]Week Three of Women & Weights came quickly. Linda greeted me as I joined the other women in our half circle around the

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Stretching Before Bed

Stretching before bed is beneficial for everyone, but especially for those who have trouble falling asleep or have nights full of restless sleep. Stretching before bed relieves muscle tension, prevents nocturnal muscles(specifically in the legs), de-stresses the body and mind, provides more restful sleep, and helps your body recover and regenerate.

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Variety is Key

People often come to the gym and participate in the same program, routine or class each visit. Sometimes our bodies get too comfortable with the same movements over and over again. It is important to add a variety of new elements to your regular exercise routine. Adding new movement patterns helps keep your body safe from injury, plateauing, and keeps you feeling challenged.

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The Workout of Loving Relationships

We’ve all heard the research that says healthy relationships help support quality of life. But what are some of the specifics? Here are my favorite bonuses that come from meaningful interaction with people:

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4 Tips for a Relaxing Summer

Summer can be a hectic time, so you have to make relaxing a priority. Here are 4 tips for a relaxing summer. Block off a day or more each week day in your calendar, June through August, in which  you allow no meeting, appointment, or errand to be scheduled. This is different than vacation; it’s leaving your options open. You’re increasing your chances of letting things “happen,” a critical element of summer bliss. This flexibility may make a last minute golf game or beach run viable at 2pm. You might be able to work from home with your bare feet in the grass.

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