Category: Movement

Move to Boost Your Brain

Your brain, an amazing 3-pound organ, controls and coordinates actions and reactions, allows you to think and feel, and enables you to have memories and feelings. Arguably the most important

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The Power of Walking

When it comes to exercise, sometimes it can seem intimidating or complicated. It doesn’t have to be. Never underestimate the power and impact a great walk can do for your

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Sitting Is Killing Us

In the mid-20th century, rapid technological advances (think: cars, TVs, computers, etc.) began chipping away at physical activity, and as technology did more of the heavy lifting, people became increasingly

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Your Brain Wants to Dance

Movement keeps our body healthy, but it also works the brain. And not all movement is created equal. A repetitive motion like jogging, for instance, isn’t as much as a

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Remember Walking

I just got back from Europe, and like many of us who take a long vacation I worried that eating out, not having my normal gym routine, and spending hours traveling would leave me feeling sluggish and out of shape, not to mention a few pounds heavier.

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