Category: Yoga & Mindfulness

Yoga & Mindfulness

Mindfulness: Peace-Making One Moment at a Time

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. It involves acceptance, meaning that we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings, often with the ability to name them.

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Relax - Breathe
Yoga & Mindfulness

Strategies To Help You Relax

Chronic, everyday stress causes health problems. Managing that stress through intentional relaxation lowers blood pressure, increases blood flow and improves digestion and sleep. It also helps you handle anger and frustration. But relaxing can be difficult for many people.

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Getting the Most Out of Yoga Class

Yoga is all about strength, flexibility, endurance and balance.  It is an exercise modality that can stand alone but ideally yoga complements your other exercise plans.  Because of yoga’s strengthening

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Take Time to Stretch

Cardio and strength training are an important part of any workout plan.  Recovery is essential as well. For some of us, stretching is too often the first thing we let

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Benefits of Yoga

In addition to the positive physical benefits of yoga, there are also a great many mental benefits to a regular practice. As Rolf Gates states, “Somewhere along the line of

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Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is a phenomenal way to stay active or kickstart your fitness routine, but yoga is filled with many amazing benefits. When I began practicing, I joined a class to get back into shape. For me, this was a comfortable transition and not intimidating. As my fitness routine became more regimented over time, I continued with yoga, finding a great benefit in some of the deep stretching.

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How Balanced Are You?

Being able to balance is important for everyone, not just athletes. Growing children, geriatrics, as well as the general public need to maintain good balance for optimal functional fitness.

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